Description This command outputs a list of all tables in a web page with their corresponding table numbers. The output will help you determine what table number you should send to PopChart Server when you import data from an HTML Table using the PopChart Embedder loadData() method or the PCScript LoadFile() method.
Note: When you use this command it will override all other server commands, so for obvious reasons you will only want to use this command while you are setting up your PopCharts.
When you use the @_SHOWTABLESFROMURL command, PopChart Server will return a web page similar to the following.
In this situation, table 17 is the only one that contains useful data.
Important: In order for PopChart Server to list the tables in a web page, it must be given permission to read data from the specified path or domain. For more information, see "Setting Path Permissions" in Chapter 3 of the PopChart Server User Guide.