Available only in PopChart Server Enterprise.

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) is a standard file format for importing and exporting PostScript files. A PopChart image in this format is essentially a single page PostScript file that describes the PopChart.

The EPS format is very similar to PDF, and consequently PopChart images in EPS format are of the same size as images in PDF. They are of very high quality, but like PDF, have no drill-down or PopUp capability, and can't display transparency.

The main purpose of an EPS file is to be included in other pages. EPS images can not be viewed from a web browser, and must instead be viewed from a graphics manipulation program, such as Adobe PhotoShop®. They cannot be embedded into a web page.

PopChart Server's EPS capabilities are not intended for most users. In other words, if you have a reason to produce PopChart images in the EPS format, you will probably know it. Otherwise, you will probably not need to concern yourself with this format.