Syntax myPopChart.extraHTMLAttributes = attributes;
JavaBean Syntax <JSP:setProperty name="myPopChart" property="extraHTMLAttributes" value=attributes />
Description Specifies additional attributes to place within the <object>, <embed>, or <img> tag that embeds the generated PopChart image.
The value of this string should be a list of attributes and styles, in the exact same format as the would appear within an HTML tag on a web page (i.e. "attribute1='value1' attribute2='value2'").
Note: If you need to use the double quotes character " inside of this string, be sure to escape it using the appropriate escape character for your language or scripting environment. For example, in most languages, you would need to use a back-slash (e.g. attribute1=\"value1\"). Some environments may require you to repeat the character twice instead (e.g. attribute1=""value1"").
This attribute is useful when you need to format your PopChart image with HTML attributes that don't have an equivalent PopChart Embedder attribute. Some of the more common attributes that fall into this category are style, align, name, vspace, and hspace. Example 4.1 shows how you would set these attributes with extraHTMLAttributes: