What Is PopChart?

In a world of ever increasing information, perhaps no skill is more valuable than the ability to convey that information in the most understandable and accessible format possible. Raw data is no exception to this rule, yet because understanding raw data often involves wading through spreadsheet after spreadsheet in search of key figures and trends, it is often the hardest type of information to convey.

For that reason, data visualization is paramount. Graphs and charts can convey in a few seconds information that is often not clear even after hours of analyzing numbers. Data visualization is what Corda Technologies is all about. With our easy-to-use PopChart tools, you can translate your data into state-of-the-art PopChart images—eye-catching, high-resolution, and interactive data-driven graphics, such as the ones on the next page.

A PopChart image can contain a variety of charts and graphs, fed with on-demand dynamic data. It can include explanatory text boxes, callout notes, or PopUp text that appears as a viewer rolls over certain parts of the graph. It can even include interactive drill-down effects, such as linking to another PopChart image as a user clicks on a certain data item, or executing your own custom JavaScript functions.

As you read through this documentation, you will learn all about how you can utilize PopChart technology to convey your information. And, if you haven't already, you will soon discover why PopChart is your all-purpose data visualization tool.