Syntax bitmap.LoadFile(newimage)
Description Loads a new image into the bitmap object.
This new image will replaces the image that was already in the bitmap object. Since the new image will be scaled to fit within the dimensions of the bitmap object, you should make sure that the new image is the same size (or at least maintains the same aspect ratio) as the old image.
This image file must be accessible to the machine running PopChart Server. It must be in either GIF, JPEG, or PNG format.
Important: Your path.xml file must grant PopChart Server permission to read files from the location that you specify. Otherwise, it will be unable to load the data. For more information, see "Setting Path Permissions" in Chapter 3 of the PopChart Server User Guide.
Parameters Bitmap.LoadFile accepts the following parameters.
The path to and location of the image that should be loaded into the bitmap. This path will be relative to PopChart Server's document root. You can also use an absolute path or a URL.