"Viewing" Descriptive Text

When you enable descriptive text, a link will appear either next to the bottom right corner of your PopChart image, or below it. By default, this link is a blue underlined letter d. Clicking on it will take the user to a web page containing a textual description of the chart.

As a screen reader reads over this link, it will indicate to the user that descriptive text is available for the image. The user then has the option of having the screen reader read the description of the PopChart image.

For an example of how people will view descriptive text, consider the following PopChart image.

You can tell that a descriptive link is enabled for this graph because of the link that appears at the bottom right corner. Clicking on the d will take you to a page (which resides on PopChart Server) that looks much like the one in the next image.

This data is fully interactive. What would appear as PopUp text in a graphical PopChart image appears as text right beside the description for each item. Likewise, drill-down links appear next to each item that is enabled for drill-down effects. Visually impaired users are able to drill-down from this descriptive text to another PopChart image with D-link descriptive text. Thus, navigation through large amounts of data is simple, fast and convenient.

Note: At this point in time, drill-down to custom JavaScript functions or named destinations within the original web page is not supported in PopChart Server's descriptive text output. You may be able to circumvent the JavaScript limitation, however, by customizing the descriptive text template so that it includes a predefined JavaScript library of the functions you need to access.