Delimiting the Code For Your PopChart Image

The next step, which is probably intuitive for experienced programmers, is to delimit the code for our PopChart image. Using the JavaScript embedder, this simply means placing a <script> tag in the location where we wish to embed our PopChart image.

In other words, you are creating a "shell" for your JavaScript code. Any remaining code should be placed inside of this tag.

You should insert the following lines into your web page.

Example 4.1 JavaScript "Shell" to Embed a PopChart Image

<script language="JavaScript1.2"> 

<!-- // Embedding a PopChart Image 


// Finished Embedding --> 


Just to make sure your following along, the image below shows you what the source for your web page should look like after you insert the code we've given you so far.

The arrow indicates where you should place the rest of the code that we will give you in this chapter.