Stacked Bar Graphs

Stacked Bar graphs can be used for:

Technically, the Stacked Bar graph is a graph subtype, not a separate type of graph. But since it is a subtype for several types of graphs, it is more convenient to discuss the concept of a Stacked Bar graph separately.

Stacked bar graphs work well when you need to show the cumulative effect of a category of data. In a Stacked Bar graph, all of the bars in a category are stacked on top of each other. The resulting stacked bar represents the sum of all of the data items in the respective category. Each data item is represented as a segment in the stacked bar.

The graph also gives you an idea of how data from a particular series contributes to the category sum. Each segment of the bar is color-coded according to the series of data that the segment represents. The difference between a Stacked Bar graph and a typical Bar graph is illustrated below.

Stacked Bar graphs are in the Standard Data Class (see Chapter 12 for details). Example 13.3 shows exactly how your data is used to form a Stacked Bar graph.