Syntax -commport [ip:]portnumber
Description This setting specifies the port that the PopChart Embedder will use to send data and commands to PopChart Server.
The -commport setting is followed by the number of the port on which the commport will run. The commport must be set to a different port than the one specified in the - port, - commport, or - casport settings. The default setting is 2002.
You need to supply the commport number in the internalCommPortAddress attribute whenever you use the PopChart Embedder.
This command will also accept an IP address, which allows you to bind the comm port to a specific address if your system has more than one IP address. If this is the case, simply enter the address, followed by a colon, followed by the port number. For example, if you were binding the comm port to port 2002 at the address, you would enter the following in the PCAgent.cfg file:
By default, PopChart Server binds its comm port to localhost.