Server Commands in HTTP RequestS

When issuing server commands to PopChart Server from an HTTP request, you should first enter the URL of PopChart Server (including the address and port), followed by a question ? mark, and finally the server command string.

For example, let's assume that PopChart Server is running at If our server command string is @_GIF@_FILEexamples/apfiles/bar.pcxml@_PCSCRIPTtextbox.settext(Commodities), we would make the following HTTP request:

You can use this HTTP request as either the URL for a web page, in which case the browser will show only the PopChart image, or you can integrate it into a webpage by making it the source of an image or an object tag. In both cases, if your HTTP request contains a space or other special character, you will need to URL-encode it using JavaScript or some other method. This is because URLs cannot contain spaces or other special characters.

URL-encoding is discussed in "URL Encoding" in Chapter 11 of the PopChart Server User Guide. Embedding a PopChart image generated by an HTTP request into a web page is discussed in Chapter 11, "Getting PopChart Images with HTTP Requests," in the PopChart Server User Guide.