If Automatic PNG Detection is enabled, you will usually embed a PNG image by requesting a GIF image instead. However, you can explicitly generate a PNG PopChart image using the @_PNG server command. For example, the following HTTP request will generate a PNG PopChart image:
If you have enabled Automatic PNG Detection (see "Automatic PNG Detection" in Chapter 3 of the PopChart Server User Guide), the following request would also create a PNG image, as long as the browser supports PNG:
You can embed a PNG image in a web page simply by making it the source of an image tag. For example, the following image tag embeds the PNG image we created with the HTTP request above. It also provides an alternate text description of My PopChart in case the image loads slowly, or for the visually impaired.
<img src="http://localhost:2001/?@_FILEexamples/apfiles/bar.pcxml@_PNG" alt="My PopChart" />