Example Code

Small segments of code (including HTML and XML) that appear in the body of a normal paragraph are shown in courier font, and are colored light green or yellow (e.g. graph.Transposed(true)).

Medium sized segments of code appear on a single indented line in a courier font, as shown below:

<img src="http://www.yourserver.com:2001/?@_LOG>

Long segments of code look similar, but are on multiple lines and are delimited with a thin horizontal line above and below the code. At the top left corner of the segment, there will be an example number for reference. The code segment will also be given a title. Example 1.1 below demonstrates a longer segment of code.

Example 1.1 Example of Long Code Segment

myPopChart = new PopChartEmbedder(); 


myPopChart.pcScript("graph.setCategories(Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun)graph.setSeries(Temperature;30;40;50;60;70;80)graph.addPopupText(1,1,Look at the pretty pictures)"); 
