
Syntax Main.ItemDelimiter(delimiter)

Description Sets the item delimiter to the specified character. This method affects PCScript commands for the current PopChart only.

The item delimiter divides data items from each other in the Graph. SetSeries method. Since a data series can have any number of data items, it uses two types of delimiters. The parameters delimiter delimits data values in each data item, while the item delimiter divides data items from each other (refer to the Graph. SetSeries method description for more details).

Similarly, the item delimiter is used to divide multiple Popup text or drill-down settings from each other in Graph. AddPopupText and Graph. DDEnable commands, respectively.

By default, the item delimiter for PCScript is a semi-colon ; . This can cause problems when you are trying to pass strings containing semi-colons. The Main.ItemDelimiter method lets you change the delimiter to something else.

Example 5.4 illustrates the usefulness of this method. In this example, we want to be able to name a series Fred; not Wilma. If we tried to send this string with the default parameter delimiter, PopChart Server would think that the series was named Fred, and that the first data item in the series was not Wilma. However, since we set the delimiter to a carat ^, we are able to properly pass the data series. Each data item is divided from the others by a carat ^.

Important: Unless you change the parameters delimiter using the Main. ParamDelimiter method, do not change the series delimiter to a comma , . This character is reserved for the delimiting parameters.

Parameters Main.ItemDelimiter accepts the following parameters.



The character that will delimit items in this PCScript command string.

Example 5.4 Changing the Item Delimiter


graph.Series(Fred; not Wilma ^ 23,34 ^ 54,29) 

graph.AddPopupText(1,1, Flintstones ^ 1,2, Vitamins)