
Syntax graph.SetSeriesToSecondScale(Series)

Description Associates the specified series to the secondary scale for Dual Y Scale graphs (X-Y, Time).



{ int | Series Name }

Specifies the series that should be associated with the secondary y scale. This value can be an integer, a range of integers, or the name of a series that has been specified in a Graph. SetSeries method.

If the value of this parameter is an integer, it refers to the nth series listed in the Graph. SetSeries method(s), where n is the integer specified. For example, if Fruit is the name of the series described in the second Graph. SetSeries method, and we pass 2 as the value of the series parameter, we are referring to the Fruit series.

If you wish to access a series number that is the same as another series' name, you will need to use the pound # sign before the series number. This lets PopChart Server know that you are referring to a series number instead of a series name.

For example, if series number 5 is named 3, then the statement graph.SetSeriesToSecondScale(3) will set series number 5, not 3, to the secondary scale, as it assumes you are referring to the series name. However, if you include a pound # sign before the number 3—graph.SetSeriesToSecondScale(#3)—then PopChart Server will override the series name and set series number 3 to the secondary scale. You will need to URL-Encode (see "URL Encoding" in Chapter 11 of the PopChart Server User Guide) your HTTP Request when you use a pound sign.

A range of series is denoted by an integer, followed by a hyphen, followed by another integer. The first integer represents the first series that should be added to the secondary scale, while the last integer indicates the last series that should be added to the secondary scale. All data series in between will also be added to the secondary scale. A range of series looks exactly like the range of categories specified in Line 5 of Example 5.12.