Syntax graph.SetSeriesStyle(SeriesName, lineWidth, symbolType, areaFill, bubbleType)
Description Specifies style settings, such as line width and symbol type, for Line, X-Y, and Time Plot graphs.
The first two parameters apply to Line graphs in addition to X-Y and Time Plot graphs. The last two only apply to X-Y and Time Plot graphs.
Note: PopChart Server treats all X-Y and time Plot as Combo graphs. For example, if you set a bubble type in an X-Y Scatter graph, you will get a bubble, despite not being able to do this in the PopChart Builder interface.
Parameters Graph.SetSeriesStyle accepts the following parameters.
The name of the series for which you are setting the styles. This name must correspond to one that has been specified in a Graph. SetSeries command.
The width of the line for this data series. Set this to 0 if you do not want the series to have a line.
Specifies the numeric code for the data series' symbol type.
Table 5.9 shows the symbol types with their corresponding enumeration.
Specifies whether or not the area underneath this graph's line should be filled in. Applies only to X-Y and Time Plot graphs.
Specifies the type of bubble to display for these data items. This will automatically enable bubbles for the specified data series. Setting this to NONE will disable bubbles. Applies only to X-Y and Time Plot graphs.