If you are requesting images from PopChart Server via HTTP requests (refer to Chapter 11, "Getting PopChart Images with HTTP Requests," in the PopChart Server User Guide), you will send your PCScript command string to PopChart Server via the @_PCSCRIPT server command.
The code below shows a complete @_PCSCRIPT server command and PCScript command string.
@_PCSCRIPTtextbox.setText(Hello World)graph.setCategories(Apple)graph.setSeries(Andy;10)setSeries(Joe;15)setSeries(Jenny;20)
Assuming PopChart Server is running on port 2001 on your local machine, this @_PCSCRIPT command could then be used to generate a PopChart image through the following HTTP request:
http://localhost:2001/?@_FILEexamples/apfiles/pie.bin@_PCSCRIPTtextbox.setText(Hello World)graph.Categories(Apple)graph.setSeries(Andy;10)setSeries(Joe;15)setSeries(Jenny;20)