To make this manual easier to read, we use some special conventions when referring to files, URLs, example code or text, and options or buttons in dialogs and menus. For the most part, these should be pretty intuitive, but we mention them here just in case.
Names of files are shown in a slightly larger arial font and are colored gray (e.g. myfile.txt).
Unless stated otherwise, files are all relative to the PopChart root directory. This directory will vary from system to system. It is the folder where you installed PopChart Server. Usually, this is C:\Program Files\Corda40 on Microsoft Windows® systems, or /usr/local/Corda40 on UNIX® systems.
Another commonly used term is document root, which is where you keep all of your data, xml, image, and appearance files for PopChart Server. Unless you have changed it in the Administration Console, your document root will be the chart_root folder in your PopChart root directory.
URLs are always shown in a slightly larger arial font. They are shown in two colors. If the URL actually exists, it will be blue (e.g. You will also be able to click on it as if it were a normal link. If the URL is for example purposes only, it will be colored gray (e.g.
If the example URL is in reference to PopChart Server, you can usually make it a valid URL if you replace with the address (and port) of your PopChart Server.
Small segments of code (including HTML and XML) that appear in the body of a normal paragraph are shown in courier font, and are colored light green or yellow (e.g. graph.Transposed(true)).
Medium sized segments of code appear on a single indented line in a courier font, as shown below:
<img src=">
Long segments of code look similar, but are on multiple lines and are delimited with a thin horizontal line above and below the code. At the top left corner of the segment, there will be an example number for reference. The code segment will also be given a title. Example 1.1 below demonstrates a longer segment of code.
Example 1.1 Example of Long Code Segment
myPopChart = new PopChartEmbedder();
myPopChart.pcScript("graph.setCategories(Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun)graph.setSeries(Temperature;30;40;50;60;70;80)graph.addPopupText(1,1,Look at the pretty pictures)");
Any other example text, including text that should be typed into a dialog window and values of attributes or variables, will appear italicized in a slightly larger arial font (e.g. false in "The default value of graph.Transposed is false").
Names of menus, dialogs, and options are in a slightly larger arial font and are colored light green or yellow (e.g. Project Properties).
For brevity, whenever you have to go through multiple layers of menus or dialogs to arrive at the desired menu, dialog, or option, a greater than > sign will be used to indicate that the next menu, dialog, or option can be found under the previous.
For example, instead of saying, "Select the Save option from the File pull-down menu," this documentation will say, "Select File > Save." Similarly, instead of saying, "Change the value of the Port option in Address/Port screen of the Settings section in the Administration Console," this documentation will say, "Change the Settings > Address/Port > Port option in the Administration Console."