Available only in PopChart Server Enterprise.
A new feature in PopChart Server 4.0.5 is the ability to automatically display an HTML table of your data below your graph. The HTML table will display the exact same data as your graph. The image below shows what a web page would look like with the HTML data table added to the PopChart image from Example 4.7.
You can add an HTML table to your graph simply by adding the addHTMLTable(String,String) method to your PopChart Embedder code. This method accepts up to two parameters. The first parameter should be the name of the graph that you want to display data for, which is usually graph. The second parameter, which is optional, is the title of your table.
Note: This method does not work with the JavaScript PopChart Embedder.
For example, the following line of PopChart Embedder code would tell PopChart Server to return an HTML table for the example PopChart image above:
myPopChart.addHTMLTable("graph","Car Rental Data");
You can also customize the way your data is translated into an HTML table by modifying the config/tables.xml file (refer to Chapter 9, "HTML Table Settings," in the PopChart Server Reference manual).