Running PopChart Server in Debug Mode

When diagnosing problems with PopChart Server, it is often useful turn on debug mode. Debug mode outputs helpful information about the images that PopChart Server is generating, such as size and output format. Also, if you select verbose debug mode, PopChart Server outputs every request string it receives to the console.

Debug information will be output to the Administration Console, and can be viewed by selecting Files > View Console Output.

You can turn on debug mode by checking the Enable Debug Mode box on the Settings > Debug page of the Administration Console. You can switch between normal and verbose debug mode with the Normal and Verbose radio buttons.

Warning: Request strings can be very large. Since console output is stored in a text file on your server, running PopChart Server in debug verbose mode for an extended period of time can create a very large console output file. Therefore, you should run PopChart Server in debug verbose mode only for very limited periods of time.

Running PopChart Server in Console Mode

When debugging PopChart Server, it is often useful to run PopChart Server in console mode. When in this mode, PopChart Server will run from a console, not in the background as it usually does. You will be able to see any output from PopChart Server in its console.

To run PopChart Server in console mode, just click on the PopChart Server with Console icon. Alternatively, you can run the bin/PopChartConsole executable.

Note: Even if you are not running in console mode, you can still see console output by going to the Files > View Console Output page of the Administration Console.