The PopChart installer can create shortcuts for you that will help you locate and run PopChart programs and documents more quickly. These shortcuts include:
This starts PopChart Server.
This starts PopChart Server in debug mode.
(If installed). This starts PopChart Builder.
This brings you to the PDF and HTML versions of the documentation.
This brings you to the PopChart Examples book, which contains examples and code for each graph type and feature.
Brings you to the web-based administration console. PopChart Server must first be started, though.
Begins the uninstallation process.
Opens up the document root folder.
By default, these shortcuts are installed in a folder called PopChart 4.0.5 in either Start > Programs (Windows), or the users Home folder (Mac OS X, Linux/UNIX compatible). You can change the folder, or choose not to install shortcuts at all.
Important: If you choose not to install shortcuts, you have to manually locate these files and documents.
On Windows NTŪ/2000, you can also select to install the shortcuts for all users that use the system.
Once you have selected the folder for the shortcuts, click Next to continue.