Installing the COM PopChart Embedder as a Component Services

Note: If you have performed a clean installation of PopChart Server since the 4.0.3 release, the COM PopChart Embedder will be installed automatically for you. You only need to follow these instructions if you want access to the PopChart Embedder component from Component Services.

When using the Component Object Model (COM) version of the PopChart Embedder on Windows 2000/XP, you first need to install it as component service. For instructions on installing the COM PopChart Embedder on Windows NT, see "To install the COM PopChart Embedder using the Command Prompt" in Chapter 5.

Note: You will need Administrative privileges to install this Component.

To install the COM PopChart Embedder using Component Services

1. In the Control Panel menu, select Administrative Tools > Component Services.

2. On the left pane of the Component Services window, you will find a listing with various option trees. Expand the Component Services > Computer > My Computer tree.

3. Under the My Computer tree, select the COM+ Applications directory.

The right pane will display a list of COM+ Applications currently installed on the system.

4. Right click on the COM+ Applications directory, and select New > Application. The COM Application Install Wizard should start up.

5. In the COM Application Install Wizard, click on Next to proceed to the next screen.

6. In the Install or Create a New Application screen, choose Create an empty application.

7. The next screen, Create Empty Application will ask you for the name of the application.

You can name it anything you want. We suggest PopChart Embedder.

8. Make sure the activation type is set to Server application, and then select Next.

9. Select the user account to associate with the component application.

Do not use the Interactive user setting. Under this setting, the COM PopChart Embedder will only work when a user is logged into the computer.

10. When you click on Next, the Wizard will say you are done. Click on Finish to exit the wizard.

Under the COM+ Applications directory you should now see a COM+ Application with the name you just specified.

11. Now that a COM+ Application is set up, you need to tell it where to find the COM object. To do this, expand the tree of the COM+ Application you just created (e.g. PopChart Embedder). Right click on the Components directory (left pane) and select New > Component. The COM Component Install Wizard should start up.

12. Click on Next to proceed to the next screen which should be titled, Import or Install a Component.

13. Choose Install new component(s).

14. You will be asked to specify a file. Locate the PCEmbedder.dll file in the dev_tools/COM_embedder directory and select it.

The PCEmbedder.dll should now be listed on the Install new component(s) dialog.

15. Select Next to continue, and then Finish to complete the installation.

If the COM object has been installed correctly, you should be able to right-click on the COM+ Application you created (e.g. PopChart Embedder) in the left pane, select Start, and start it without any error messages.

Note: When you examine the COM+ Applications while PopChart Embedder is running, the ball in its icon on the right pane will rotate if it is running properly.

To install the COM PopChart Embedder using the Command Prompt

Installing the COM PopChart Embedder on Windows NT is a simple process.

1. Open up a command prompt.

2. Change to the dev_tools/com_embedder folder of your PopChart root directory.

3. Type in the following command:

regsvr32 PCEmbedder.dll

Changing Component Properties

Some users may also want to change how the PopChart Embedder component runs. You can change the settings for how the PopChart Embedder runs in Windows 2000/XP by right-clicking on its icon and selecting Properties.

This will bring up a screen listing the COM object's various properties. Unless you know what you are doing, we suggest you do not change these. The only exception may be the Server Process Shutdown settings in the Advanced pane. To preserve system resources, Windows will shut down the application after a certain period of inactivity. The application will then restart whenever it is requested. However, this means that the first time you use the PopChart Embedder after it has shut down, it will take between 5-10 seconds to retrieve a PopChart image. On a high-volume server, this shouldn't be a problem because the application will rarely be idle long enough to shut down. However, if you don't want the server shutting down, or you want a longer idle period before it shuts down, you should modify this settings.